Hey Hey Hey, smoke weed everyday.
I am constantly amazed at how dumb college athletes can be. LSU's best offensive and defensive player are suspended for failing a drug test. It's a selfish stupid thing to do. Now a chance at a national title may be in jeopardy for the Bengal Tigers. But hey, at least we now know why the honey badger has such an appetite.
I agree with Rob on the aspects of the game. Steven Clark must have a big game keeping LSU offense pinned down. The defense has to stuff the run and make Lee beat us.
Offensively, Clint Moseley has to walk the fine line of being a gun slinger and game manager. He must make confident throws but not turn it over. To use a baseball phrase: "don't give him anything good to hit...but don't walk him".
Rob has been giving me grief about not going to Baton Rouge. He needs to see it for himself as a fan. I was there last in 1997. The experience was so bad I decided BR was a place to scratch off my list. If anyone gives Rob any grief, Dana the Terminator will protect him.**
For the record, I never said I don't think we have a chance in this game. Rob is the one picking us to lose, so go on the Rivals board and trash him. I'll be on there. My handle is "Antwon Nolan's python".
Auburn 17
Puff, Puff, Give 13
**Another reason I'm not making the trip is I'm broke from my New England Vacation. Rob kindly offered for me to share a room with Him and Dana. But they like to walk around naked, which makes me a tad uncomfortable. They also insist that I walk around naked, which makes me feel a tad more uncomfortable.
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