Heisman pose seems fitting.
What a weekend! Special thanks to Jeff and Grace for making us feel so welcome in bluegrass country.
Saturday started with a trip to the Keeneland horse track, where the tailgating was way better than at Commonwealth Stadium. We actually drove through campus at around 11 AM and there was not a soul there. It was an odd thing to those of us who are used to people setting up their tailgates on Wednesday.
The horseraces were great. I bet on a 20-1 shot in one race. I think his name was Indaweed. In hindsight I should have re-thought it, because he was slow and lethargic right out of the gate, and ate a feedbag of Doritos at the finish line after coming in 8th.
Special shout-out to our main man Josh, the friendly neighborhood college student who let us park in his yard for free. This guy had Leo DiCaprio looks and my guess is he had no problem with the ladies (one of his friends who walked with us said as much).
We found a great tailgate where a guy had converted an ambulance into a tailgating machine, complete with big screen, where we watched the Bama fail on the fake field goal. All watching, both Kentucky and Auburn fans cheered.
At that point we headed into the game with our UK student tickets in hand. UK must value their students, because our seats were on the frickin 50. The Kentucky fans were great. They really seemed to just be passing the time until Calipari's midnight madness in a few weeks. They were warm and accommodating...much like the Kentucky defense.
After the game, it only took us an hour to find Dana's van. We were a little worried that Josh had taken it to the chop-shop, but he was there guarding it when we finally found his place, while chatting it up with one of the fine ladies of Lexington.
As for the game, Rob summed it up pretty well. The Cam Newton show is here all season. Tip your waitresses. Try the veal.
Seriously though, is anyone else worried about the number of carries he's racking up? I think we should run the ball, but the 3 other backs carried just 22 times. I worry that's just not enough.
Defensively...ugh. Just my opinion here, and it's likely worth nothing, but our coaches need to have more faith in our corners. The soft zone is maddening, especially when we don't tackle well. Give Kentucky and Cobb credit, though. They are a pretty good offensive team.
I am not ready to talk SEC West title yet. The next 2 weeks will tell the tale. For now, let's enjoy this week Auburn fans, when all the Crimson 'A' flags are put in storage. When Auburn sits as the highest ranked SEC team at the midway point, and Nick Saban is swearing his way through expletive laced press conferences.
man i was standing at that same converted ambulance tailgate watching the game! that was awesome! War Eagle!